… I found 15:
| # | name |
| 1 | The Bourne Shell | sh | +-----+------------------------------------------------------------+
| 2 | The Bash Shell | bash |
| 3 | The C shell | csh |
| 4 | The Korn Shell | ksh | +-----+------------------------------------------------------------+
| 5 | The ZSH Shell | zsh |
| 6 | The TENEX C Shell | tcsh |
| 7 | The Fish Shell | fish | +-----+------------------------------------------------------------+
| 8 | The Ion shell | ion |
| 9 | The Dash Shell | dash |
| 10 | Eshell | eshell | +-----+------------------------------------------------------------+
| 11 | The rc Shell | rc |
| 12 | The Scheme Shell | scsh |
| 13 | The Xonsh Shell | xonsh | +-----+------------------------------------------------------------+
| 14 | The Oh Shell | oh |
| 15 | The Elvish Shell | elvish |
Which shell am I currently using?
To find out which shell you’re using, go ahead and execute either of the following commands on your terminal:
echo $0
echo $SHELL
Which shells are available in my device?
There are at least two ways to check which shells are available in your device. Using a cat
cat /etc/shells
Or the following regular expression:
grep '^[^#]' /etc/shells
In reading stuff to learn about this/prepare this short post, this translator/comparator came up:
It documents syntax differences between bash
, fish
, ksh
, tcsh
and zsh
What is a shell
A shell is a program that provides an interface between a user and an operating system (OS) kernel.[2]
>>> did I unintentionally leave any out? Please let me know!
[1] https://www.ubuntupit.com/linux-shell-roundup-15-most-popular-open-source-linux-shells/
[2] https://www.thegeekdiary.com/unix-linux-what-is-a-shell-what-are-different-shells/
[3] https://www.unix.com/man-page/osx/1/chpass/